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Fate and life 命运与人生作文200字

六年级英语作文作者:甜味.时间:2020-03-03 14:26

  A person should live happily and vigorously, so as not to fail to live up to God's grace to our creation;Only in this way can we live up to our parents'upbringing;Only in this way can we live up to the teacher's teachings to us;Only in this way can we live up to the kindness of our friends . and not live in vain!

  Life is rare, if you don't take advantage of this life to live a good life, enjoy it, it is really should not!

  Everyone is different, so the fate is different.But only hard to face, resist, do not admit defeat, in order to create a miracle, live glory!No matter how unbearable the fate, we should strive to struggle, as the saying goes, "first bitter after sweet", "bitter after sweet"!

  Different people, different destiny, different life, but not everyone will have a brilliant life, because only hard work, can be harvested!

  Go for it!Efforts to change fate, efforts to change life!






