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Pick up the head 捡蜞头作文150字

初一年级英语作文作者:江月白时间:2020-07-07 10:06

  In ancient Sichuan and Bashu, whenever there was a funeral, the family would make some pasta the size of fingernails and make them into the shape of ghost faces. After frying, the coffin was thrown along the way.

  The name of this kind of thing is called "guatou". In fact, it means to bribe the ghosts along the way. At that time, the living conditions were poor, so some people who did not have enough to eat would pick up these things to eat as soon as they saw the funeral procession. Sometimes they found a very large head, but also happy to say that they found the ghost king.

  This custom, of course, has not existed in modern Shu. But in the language of Shuzhong, there are still traces of it. The word "pick up the head" has been used to describe the cheapness of picking up a piece of money.
